Legal Profession Services

When lawyers and law firms find themselves in the client seat, Cozen O’Connor’s Legal Profession Practice Group, led by reputable and skillful attorneys with invaluable experience in the legal intricacies of law firms and lawyering, provides a one-stop shop to meet their needs. Whether defending a complex legal malpractice suit, navigating a murky ethical obligation, drafting governance documents for a fledgling law firm, or anything in between, our team of experienced attorneys stands ready to assist with the unique and often sensitive issues in-house counsel, outside lawyers, and law firms face.

Our general areas of focus include:

  • legal ethics and professional responsibility conflicts
  • the business of law
  • legal fee challenges
  • risk management
  • cybersecurity
  • legal malpractice defense
  • mediations and arbitrations

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Conflicts

Ethics questions can be intricately nuanced and fraught with uncertainty, from age-old ethical questions, to the ethical use of artificial intelligence, to addressing issues related to the burgeoning cannabis industry. Our experienced team of lawyers provides advice and counsel to lawyers and law firms in connection with the full spectrum of ethical issues. We also represent attorneys in disciplinary matters and oppose disqualification motions and/or third-party subpoenas. Additionally, because issues involving conflicts of interest can stymie even the most sophisticated lawyers and law firms, our team includes attorneys whose practice is dedicated to analyzing and helping to resolve conflicts.

Learn More

To learn more about our Legal Profession Services team, nationally recognized for resolving legal ethics, malpractice, or law firm merger and integration need, click here.

The Business of Law

We help our clients navigate the business of law, so that they are free to focus on practicing law for their own clients. Our Legal Profession team includes transactional lawyers who provide practical, timely, and prudent counsel on the full spectrum of transactional issues our clients might face, from the solo practitioner looking to hang her first shingle, to a multinational firm looking to complete a substantial merger, to a firm in the throes of dissolution.

Legal Fee Challenges

Challenges to a lawyer’s fee are increasingly common and often involve a number of issues, primarily involving the duties of professionals, the reasonableness of underlying attorneys’ fees, and the actions of underlying counsel in representing its client. Our attorneys analyze fee disputes, the attendant fee reasonableness issues, and available options to secure resolutions in our clients’ favor. We base our strategies on each matter’s unique facts and on Model Rule 1.5 factors governing the fees and transactions inherent to client-lawyer relationships. As proven trial lawyers who have spent years refining our litigation prowess, we are more than prepared to take a fee dispute to court when necessary.

Risk Management

Lawyers and law firms are beset with risk on many fronts. Whether you need help navigating the quagmire that insurance coverage can present, handling a sensitive situation with a firm lawyer that places the firm at risk, or anything in between, Cozen O’Connor can help.


As frequent targets of hackers, it is crucial for law firms to ensure that their cybersecurity is airtight. To meet this need, Cozen O’Connor offers cybersecurity consulting services through our affiliate, Cozen O’Connor Cybersecurity Services, LLC (COSEC).

Legal Malpractice Defense

Our team has decades of experience defending legal malpractice claims of all kinds. And unlike legal malpractice boutiques, we have direct access to the collective substantive knowledge of a full-service law firm. We understand that successfully defending a malpractice claim requires mastery of the law of malpractice and substantive understanding of the law governing the predicate matter. We bring both to the table for our clients.

Mediations and Arbitrations

Our experienced team of lawyers includes seasoned attorneys who serve as arbitrators and mediators across the country. We made our name as a trial firm with litigators trained to see both sides of any argument, and we bring this skill to bear in our role as mediators and arbitrators. Similarly, our transactional attorneys are second to none. When these lawyers take on the role of third-party neutral, they bring unparalleled substantive knowledge to bear on the resolutions they broker. Our team is respected for their impartiality, ability to get to the core of the matter quickly, and substantive mastery of the matters before them.

Our Legal Profession Practice Group understands and respects the stakes involved when lawyers need lawyers, and we handle each matter with the sensitivity and finesse required when a lawyer’s or law firm’s reputation and/or ability to practice and prosper is on the line.


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What Pennsylvania Can Expect From Anti-SLAPP Law [Law360]

October 04, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson contributed an article to Law360 discussing the new Pennsylvania anti-SLAPP Act, designed to enhance the free speech protections of individuals and organizations for statements made or positions taken on matters of public concern.

Lawyers Must Be Careful When Using Listservs [Law360]

July 22, 2024

Deborah Winokur contributed an Expert Analysis to Law360, discussing the drawbacks of using listservs for client matters and how to mitigate the risks by protecting confidential information.

PA Finally Adopts Anti-SLAPP Legislation:  New Law Protects Those Facing Lawsuits Over Speech on Matters of Public Concern [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

July 19, 2024

Pennsylvania is the latest state to adopt a law designed to protect citizens who are faced with lawsuits aimed to impede their right to speak about matters of public concern. Both chambers of the Pennsylvania legislature unanimously passed House Bill 1466 (the “Act”), and Governor Shapiro signed...

Differences In Enforcing Oral Settlements In NJ And Penn [Law360]

July 16, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson and Thomas DePaola, a 2024 summer associate in the firm’s Philadelphia, Pennsylvania office, contributed an article to Law360 discussing a New Jersey state appellate ruling that drew a line on whether oral settlements reached in mediation are enforceable.

Are Oral Settlement Agreements Reached in Mediation Unenforceable? [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

June 27, 2024

Oral settlement agreements are typically enforceable, provided that the parties are able to show a meeting of the minds regarding terms that comply with their jurisdiction’s statute of frauds, and that can be performed within one year.[1] However, when the oral settlement is reached during a...

Pennsylvania’s New Disciplinary Rule Prohibiting Harassment And Discrimination In The Practice Of Law [PBA Quarterly]

April 03, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson contributed an article to the Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly discussing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s order to adopt Pennsylvania’s version of the ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(g).

Litigation Funding Needs Regulating To Meet Ethics Standards [Law360]

March 25, 2024

Deborah Winokur contributed an Expert Analysis to Law360, discussing third-party litigation funding, which is not specifically regulated under federal law.

Third Circuit Rejects Claims Over Claimed Former Client Conflict [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

January 29, 2024

In a rare foray into the thicket of former client conflicts, the Third Circuit affirmed a district court ruling in favor of a lawyer who represented a claimant adverse to a former client in an aviation products liability action. In Avco v. Turner, a company that manufactures airplane engines...

Attorneys Have an Ethical Duty to Protect the Judiciary [Law360]

December 01, 2023

Deborah Winokur contributed an expert analysis to Law360, discussing the rise of attacks and threats against judges in the last several years.

Third Circuit Upholds Pennsylvania Rule 8.4(g) Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination in the Practice of Law [Alert]

August 29, 2023

The Third Circuit Upheld a Pennsylvania Rule of Professional Conduct prohibiting knowing harassment and discrimination in the practice of law.

Dangerous Precedent, Call to Arms or Both? [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

August 15, 2023

In SEC v. Covington & Burling, LLP, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia recently ordered a large multinational law firm to disclose the names of its clients to the Securities and Exchange Commission, opening the door for regulators and potentially law enforcement agencies to...

Guardrails Needed Against Politically Motivated Atty Discipline [Law360]

August 03, 2023

Deborah Winokur contributed an expert analysis to Law360 discussing the California Bar Association’s pledge to reform its disciplinary process to restore the public’s faith in the law.

The ABC’S of Settlement Negotiations [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

July 31, 2023

Contrary to a recent decision by a Pennsylvania trial court, to borrow from the Bard -- all that is redlined is not accepted -- as is evidenced by the recent appellate decision reversing the lower Court’s Order. Under Pennsylvania state law, a lawyer cannot, under any circumstance, settle a...

Law Firm Faces Adverse Attorney’s Fee Award Following Hire of IT Technician Subject to Restrictive Covenant [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

July 05, 2023

The Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, recently issued an interesting opinion upholding claims against a New York law firm stemming from its employment of an IT support technician contrary to the terms of a restrictive covenant with his former employer. Notably the court also awarded...

Plagiarism Draws Sanctions in First Amendment Case [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

May 16, 2023

The Federal District Court in Philadelphia has sanctioned a lawyer for copying and pasting opposing counsel’s motion in limine and filing it as her own work product the next day. Finding that the motion had been plagiarized, the court granted a motion for sanctions and awarded attorney’s fees...

Third Circuit Calls for Sanctions in “Lawyer-Driven” Stock Suit [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

April 24, 2023

The Third Circuit recently opined that sanctions were warranted against investors who pursued claims against an ailing company that were brought solely for the purpose of leveraging a settlement. The ruling stands as a stark warning of the potential consequences to securities lawyers and their...

Don't Let Client Demands Erode Law Firm Autonomy [Law360]

April 06, 2023

Deborah Winokur contributed an expert analysis column to Law360 discussing the change in BigLaw culture to reflect the culture of their clients and employees.

U.S. Supreme Court Takes a DIG on Privilege Case [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

February 01, 2023

Lawyers, particularly in-house lawyers, across the country had been anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s opinion on whether privilege attaches to attorney communications created for legal and non-legal purposes. In re Grand Jury, No. 21- 1397 (U.S.) The collective agita was perhaps misplaced,...

Settle and Sue Your Lawyer: The Muhammad Doctrine Under Fire

January 12, 2023

Thomas Wilkinson and Rhonda Fulginiti co-authored an article for the Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly discussing a recent concurring opinion in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court case of Khalil v. Williams, which threatens the Muhammad Doctrine.

Hard Lessons about Hard Copies: Waiving the Privilege at the Front Desk [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

January 06, 2023

Thomas Wilkinson and Deborah Winokur co-authored an article for the American Bar Association discussing how seemingly innocuous or careless acts can result in at least a partial waiver of the attorney-client privilege. They look at examples involving waiver of the privilege by the client, and also...

Supreme Court Set to Review Attorney-Client Privilege in “Dual-Purpose Communications” [Lexology]

December 05, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson and Deborah Winokur co-authored an article for Lexology covering a circuit split the U.S. Supreme Court will address concerning the proper test federal courts should apply when assessing whether the attorney-client privilege protects communications that serve a “dual purpose.”

High Court Addresses Relief for Prisoners Following Clarification of Statutory Laws [The Legal Intelligencer]

December 01, 2022

Stephen Miller and Leigh Ann Benson argue in The Legal Intelligencer that the Supreme Court’s decision in Jones v. Hendrix, expected before July 2023, should clarify - regardless of the outcome – the rights of federal prisoners to petition for habeas corpus relief of previously challenged convictions when a high court decision of statutory interpretation is applied retroactively.

Printing While Traveling? Be Careful! [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

November 09, 2022

Did you hear about the case where the client’s CEO waived privilege by forwarding an email from his company’s counsel to a hotel’s front desk for printing? Whoops! In Fourth Dimension Software v. Der Touristik Deutschland GMBh, linked below, the CEO of the plaintiff software company (“FDS”)...

Pointers and Perils of Working with Witnesses [The Bencher]

November 04, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson and Rhonda Fulginiti authored an article for the November/December 2022 issue of The Bencher.

The Ups and Downs (or Good and Bad?) of LinkedIn [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

October 19, 2022

We need LinkedIn, right? Sure? Yes! LinkedIn has become a very useful and key marketing tool for working professionals, including attorneys. The three most popular uses for LinkedIn are staying connected with colleagues, staying up to date on clients’ news, and as a passive marketing...

ABA Formal Opinion 502 on Pro Se Lawyers: Molding Verbiage to Fit Policy [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

October 14, 2022

Daniel Q. Harrington wrote the article, “ABA Formal Opinion 502 on Pro Se Lawyers: Molding Verbiage to Fit Policy” for the American Bar Association Litigation Section’s website. The article discusses ABA Formal Opinion 502. This Opinion clarifies that the prohibition against lawyers contacting an...

ABA Formal Opinion 502 on Pro Se Lawyers: Molding Verbiage to Fit Policy

October 07, 2022

Daniel Q. Harrington wrote the article, “ABA Formal Opinion 502 on Pro Se Lawyers: Molding Verbiage to Fit Policy” for the American Bar Association Litigation Section’s website.

New Ethics Opinion Focuses On Legal Fees

September 23, 2022

Sarah Sweeney published an article in the Philadelphia Bar Reporter discussing the new ethics Opinion the Philadelphia Bar Association Professional Guidance Committee and the Pennsylvania Bar Association Committee on Legal Ethics released.

Abraham Lincoln Lessons in Civility, Professionalism, and Equality

September 02, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson authored an article for the September/October issue of The Pennsylvania Lawyer.

What Do You Do When You Inadvertently Produce Privileged Documents? Lessons Learned from the Sandy Hook Elementary School/Alex Jones Defamation Trial [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

August 24, 2022

The recent litigation surrounding Alex Jones and Infowars Podcast, relating to defamatory statements Jones made about the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting victims and their families, focused on an issue that was not supposed to be the center of this defamation trial. During the trial, Plaintiff’s...

Attorneys Should Note Judges’ Financial Conflicts of Interest [Law360]

August 16, 2022

Deborah Winokur authored an article about the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit recently vacating a $2.75 billion patent infringement judgment.

What is Going on With SCOTUS and Arbitration? – They Love FAA, They Love It Not [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

July 25, 2022

Lawyers who assume that the arbitration provisions within their carefully drafted agreements will be enforced may have to re-examine these assumptions. Within the space of less than one month, the Justices waded into three civil matters that dealt with the constant re-arrangement of the deck chairs...

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? Holding Shares in Corporate Conglomerates Can End Up a “Conflict Nightmare” for Federal Judges [Alert]

July 20, 2022

Federal Judiciary members are voicing their concerns over problematic reporting requirements under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 7.1.

Heightened Focus on Judicial Security and Fair Administration of Justice [Lawyers Representing Lawyers Blog]

June 21, 2022

The recent arrest of an armed man who planned to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has brought renewed attention to the issues surrounding the personal security of federal judges and their families. The suspect told investigators that he found Justice Kavanaugh’s home address...

'You're on Mute!' and Other Pandemic Practice Lessons [The Bencher]

November 18, 2021

Thomas Wilkinson co-authored an article discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the practice of law.

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month: Spotlighting Our Hispanic Federal Jurists

October 20, 2021

Deborah Winokur co-authored an article for the Fall 2021 issue of Houston's Legacy newsletter of the PBA Minority Bar Committee.

Negative Online Reviews: Think Twice Before Posting Your Reply

July 07, 2021

Thomas Wilkinson co-authored an article for the July/August 2021 issue of The Pennsylvania Lawyer.

Navigating Atty Relationship Conflicts That May Imperil Cases

December 03, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson and Douglas Fox contributed an article to Law360 discussing how to identify and what to do when conflicts arise out of a lawyer's "personal relationship" with opposing counsel.

ABA Issues Ethics Guidance on Lawyers’ Duties When Clients Engage in Fraudulent or Criminal Behavior

November 04, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson and Douglas Fox contributed an article to the PBA Federal Practice newsletter discussing lawyer’s ethical responsibilities when the their client appears to be engaging in a fraudulent scheme or criminal behavior and seeks advice in furthering that conduct.

Ethical Considerations for Lawyers Working Remotely

September 25, 2020

Deborah Winokur co-authored an article in the PLI Chronicle discussing how now is a good time to re-visit your approach to remote working and making sure you are practicing good hygiene with respect to these issues: confidentiality, competence and communication.

Attys Shouldn't Overlook Obligations To Potential Clients

August 18, 2020

Sarah Sweeney and Thomas Wilkinson authored an Expert Analysis article in Law360 discussing how The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility recently issued Formal Opinion 492 and what this means for prospective clients.

Guidance Issued on Lawyers' Duties Regarding Clients' Criminal Behavior [The Legal Intelligencer]

June 17, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson and Douglas Fox contributed an article to The Legal Intelligencer discussing The American Bar Association’s Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.2(d) (model rule).

5 Ways To Reduce Post-Pandemic Legal Malpractice Exposure

May 27, 2020

John Johnson contributed an article to Law360 discussing five ways to revisit your risk management strategies to avoid unnecessary exposure and reduce claims against your firm.

Fee Division Between Discharged Counsel and New Counsel in Contingent Fee Cases [The Legal Intelligencer]

April 20, 2020

Sarah Sweeney and Thomas Wilkinson published an article to the Legal Intelligencer discussing when a client terminates, without cause, its legal representation in a contingent fee matter and subsequently retains new counsel from a different firm, the Rules of Professional Conduct related to the division and disbursement of fees impose certain requirements on the successor attorney.

Ethical Issues with Remote Work During COVID-19 [Alert]

March 30, 2020

Bill Gericke and Deb Winokur discuss lawyers and law firm's ethical obligations when working remotely and outsourcing work.

Events & Seminars

Past Events

Generative AI Best Practices for Law Firms

September 05, 2024 - Chicago, IL

Client Protection Funds and the Rise of AI

May 31, 2024 - Denver, CO

Freedom of Speech at Universities

October 06, 2023 - Harrisburg, PA

Key Legal Issues Keeping In-House Counsel Up at Night

September 27, 2023 - Washington, D.C.

UPL Rules – Changes Affecting Attorneys and Staff

May 06, 2023 - Plymouth Meeting, PA

2023 WIP Annual Conference

May 04, 2023 - Philadelphia, PA

Civility in Contentious Public Meetings

April 20, 2023 - Norristown, PA

Witness Ethics: Avoiding the Minefields

December 14, 2022 - Webinar

Professional Liability Program

November 05, 2022 - Hershey, PA

A Living, Breathing First Amendment?

August 05, 2022 - Chicago, IL

Developments in the Unauthorized Practice of Law

June 25, 2022 - Philadelphia, PA

Ethical Concerns of Insurance Defense Counsel

November 11, 2021 - Webinar

Ethics in Legal Writing

August 16, 2021 - Webinar

Corporate Counsel Ethics Update

May 12, 2021 - Webinar

Professional Liability Virtual Seminar

December 02, 2020 - Webinar

The Ethics of Managing the Media

July 23, 2020 - Webinar

Pennsylvania Bar Institute

November 22, 2019 - Philadelphia, PA

In The News

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys in its Best Lawyers in America 2025 Edition

August 15, 2024

Best Lawyers selected 242 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America.

Thomas Wilkinson Appointed to the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility

August 07, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson, a member of the firm’s Legal Profession Services practice, has been appointed to the American Bar Association (ABA) Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility for a three-year term from 2024-2027.

31 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 11, 2024

Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Only 5 percent of attorneys are named Super Lawyers; only 2.5 percent of attorneys are listed as Rising Stars.

Thomas Wilkinson Selected to Receive the PBA Civil Litigation Professional Excellence Award

April 12, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson, a member of the firm’s Legal Profession Services practice, has been selected to receive the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Civil Litigation Professional Excellence Award.

Lessons Learned from Lincoln Shape Civility, Professional Conduct

January 26, 2024

Thomas Wilkinson was quoted in a Pennsylvania Bar News article discussing Abraham Lincoln’s career as a lawyer and politician, highlighting his influence on shaping the ethics, standards, and civility in the legal profession.

Simeon Brier Recognized as a 2023 Top Latino Lawyer by Latino Leaders Magazine

November 14, 2023

Simeon Brier, chair of the firm’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives, has been recognized as a 2023 Top Latino Lawyer by Latino Leaders Magazine.

Pa. Disciplinary Board Floats Rule Barring Lawyer-Client Sexting

September 05, 2023

Deborah Winokur was quoted in a Law360 article discussing a possible rule proposal by the Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board that would clarify restrictions on attorney-client sexual relations to include a bar on sexual communication.

Deborah Winokur Appointed to the ABA Standing Committee on Public Protection in the Provision of Legal Services

August 11, 2023

Deborah Winokur, a member of the firm’s Legal Profession Services practice, has been appointed to the American Bar Association (ABA) Standing Committee on Public Protection in the Provision of Legal Services.

Thomas Wilkinson to Receive the 2023 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Third Circuit

May 02, 2023

Cozen O’Connor is proud to announce that Thomas Wilkinson, a member of the firm’s Legal Profession Services practice, has been selected to receive the American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Third Circuit.

Trust Account Missteps 'Disproportionately' Lead to Discipline for Pa. Attorneys

April 05, 2023

Thomas Wilkinson was quoted in an article published by Law 360, discussing the disproportionate number of IOLTA violations in Pennsylvania disciplinary actions.

Leigh Ann Benson Announced as The Legal Intelligencer Young Lawyer Editorial Chair

November 18, 2022

Leigh Ann Benson has been announced as chair of The Legal Intelligencer’s Young Lawyer Editorial Board.

Deborah Winokur Elected To The Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates

November 04, 2022

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Deborah Winokur has been elected to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates. Deborah will be a delegate in Zone One, and her term will start immediately.

Pa. Bar Groups Ask 3rd Circ. To Support Atty Anti-Bias Rule

September 20, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson, Daniel Harrington, and Deborah Winokur, representing the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Allegheny County Bar Associations, were quoted in a Law360 Article.

Joint Bar Association Ethics Opinion Aims to Prevent Fee-Handling Missteps

August 25, 2022

Sarah Sweeney was quoted in an article published by The Legal Intelligencer, which discusses the joint ethics opinion issued by the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bar Associations.

Philly, Pa. Bars Clarify How Attorneys Can Handle Advance Fees

August 25, 2022

Sarah Sweeney discusses the joint ethics opinion the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bar Associations issued in a Law360 article.

Thomas Wilkinson Appointed to the Pennsylvania Bar Insurance and Trust Fund

August 04, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson, member of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department and Legal Profession Practice Group, has been appointed to serve a four year term as a trustee on the Pennsylvania Bar Insurance and Trust Fund.

Goodman and Rich Complete Mediation Certification

August 03, 2022

Joshua R. Goodman and Joseph F. Rich completed training and certification to be Civil Circuit and County mediators in the state of Florida.

High Court Creates New, Unified Ethics Advisory System for Pa. Judges

January 18, 2022

Thomas Wilkinson was quoted in an article published by The Legal Intelligencer discussing how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court laid out guidelines for a new Judicial Ethics Advisory Board, which is set to take effect in July.

Thomas Wilkinson Elected to Serve a Three-Year Term on the ABA Board of Governors

September 17, 2021

Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Thomas G. Wilkinson, member of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department, has been elected to serve a three-year term on the American Bar Association Board of Governors representing Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Pa. Bar Leaders Aren't Giving Up On Drafting Anti-Bias Rule

March 19, 2021

Thomas Wilkinson was quoted in an article published by Law360, "Pa. Bar Leaders Aren't Giving Up On Drafting Anti-Bias Rule."

PBA Names 2020 Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP) Award on Behalf of H. Robert Fiebach

March 11, 2021

The Pennsylvania Bar Association has named its 2020 Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP) Award on behalf of H. Robert Fiebach, senior counsel in Cozen O’Connor’s Commercial Litigation Department and co-chair of the firm’s Legal Malpractice Group.

What Attys Are Saying About Pa. Justice Saylor's Retirement

March 02, 2021

Thomas Wilkinson was featured in an article published by Law360 discussing his thoughts on the retirement of Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor.

Thomas Wilkinson Reappointed Chair of the DRI Lawyers' Professionalism and Ethics Committee

October 16, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson, member of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department and Legal Profession Practice Group, has been reappointed as chair of the Defense Research Institute (DRI) Lawyers' Professionalism and Ethics Committee.

Lawyer Sues Penn. Ethics Authorities Over Anti-Bias Rule (1)

August 07, 2020

Tom Wilkinson was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article which discusses how a Pennsylvania lawyer is suing state disciplinary authorities, saying an anti-bias ethics rule scheduled to go into effect in December violates his free speech rights.

ABA Opinion Defends Anti-Harassment Rule Criticized as Too Broad

July 15, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article discussing how the American Bar Association is defending a model anti-harassment ethics rule that’s come under criticism as an overbroad regulation of attorneys’ speech.

Pa. High Court Issues New Discipline Rule Against 'Bias or Prejudice' in the Practice of Law

June 11, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson was featured in The Legal Intelligencer discussing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's adoption of a new disciplinary rule saying attorneys can face discipline if, during the practice of law, they “knowingly manifest bias or prejudice, or engage in harassment or discrimination, as those terms are defined in applicable federal, state or local statutes or ordinances.”

Tom Wilkinson Named a Pennsylvania Trailblazer by The Legal Intelligencer

November 21, 2019

Tom Wilkinson, a leader of Cozen O’Connor’s Legal Profession Practice Group, was named a Pennsylvania Trailblazer by The Legal Intelligencer in the field of legal ethics and professional responsibility.

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.


Brian P. Flaherty


(215) 665-4647

Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.


(215) 665-3737



31 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

June 11, 2024

Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Only 5 percent of attorneys are named Super Lawyers; only 2.5 percent of attorneys are listed as Rising Stars.

PBA Names 2020 Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP) Award on Behalf of H. Robert Fiebach

March 11, 2021

The Pennsylvania Bar Association has named its 2020 Commission on Women in the Profession (WIP) Award on behalf of H. Robert Fiebach, senior counsel in Cozen O’Connor’s Commercial Litigation Department and co-chair of the firm’s Legal Malpractice Group.

Thomas Wilkinson Reappointed Chair of the DRI Lawyers' Professionalism and Ethics Committee

October 16, 2020

Thomas Wilkinson, member of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department and Legal Profession Practice Group, has been reappointed as chair of the Defense Research Institute (DRI) Lawyers' Professionalism and Ethics Committee.

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.

64 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys Named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

May 21, 2019

Super Lawyers has selected 64 Cozen O'Connor attorneys to the 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists.

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