Construction-Defect Subrogation on the Rise But it Just Became More Difficult in Florida

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Joshua R. Goodman was quoted in the Insurance Journal’s recent article “Construction-Defect Subrogation on the Rise But it Just Became More Difficult in Florida.” The article focuses on the upcoming changes insurance attorneys will face following Senate Bill 360, which was passed in April 2023. The article discusses that while most large national and international carriers have been on board the subro train for years, some smaller insurers may feel it’s not worth the cost.

In the article, Josh says, “I would say that’s not the case. Insurance companies wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t bring in money.” He also says, “An increase in the pace of investigations and prosecutions of subrogation claims will be needed” and “Those who pursue subrogation at the time of loss are usually more successful.”

To read the full article, click here.

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