A Perfect Storm: FDR, Pappy O'Daniel, Huey Long's Ghost, and the Failed Fifth Circuit Nomination of James V Allred

Stephen Pate, of Cozen O'Connor's Global Insurance department, wrote an article titled, "A Perfect Storm: FDR, Pappy O'Daniel, Huey Long's Ghost, and the Failed Fifth Circuit Nomination of James V Allred" for the Journal of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society. The article discusses how tough Texas politics can be and the effect that can have on federal judicial nominations. It goes further to discuss a 1943 case where James V Allred had won Senate confirmation as a U.S. District Judge and then was denied an opportunity to become a judge of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. For the full article click here.

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Stephen P. Pate

Co-Chair, Property Insurance Group


(832) 214-3957

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