Leading Lawyers Network Recognizes 23 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers as Top Illinois Practitioners

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

CHICAGO, March 2, 2022 — The Leading Lawyers Network has named 22 Cozen O’Connor lawyers to its annual list of Illinois’ top practitioners and named one other as an Emerging Lawyer in its 2022 survey results.

The 22 Cozen O’Connor lawyers who have been recommended by their peers as Leading Lawyers include: Ira Bodenstein, Kevin Caraher, Jack Carriglio, Darren Collier, Janet Davis, John Dunn, Mitch Edlund, Wendy Enerson, Robert Fishman, Richard Fogel, Paul Garry, Gary Gassman, Tia Ghattas, Jeremy Glenn, Mark Rabinowitz, Peter Roberts, Brian Shaw, Joseph Tilson, Julie Trester, Peter Valeta, Anna Wermuth, and Brian Williams

Christina Sanfelippo was recognized as an Emerging Lawyer.

Law Bulletin Publishing Company, through its Leading Lawyers Network division, conducted an extensive statewide survey of Illinois lawyers that then requires an ethics review and final approval by the over 400-member advisory board. Only those lawyers who were most often recommended by their peers in one of nearly 100 areas of law achieved the distinction of becoming a “Leading Lawyer” — earned by less than 5 percent of attorneys in the state of Illinois.

The “Emerging Lawyers” distinction is earned by less than 2 percent of all lawyers licensed to practice law in Illinois and qualified lawyers must be under the age of 40 or practicing for less than 10 years.

For more information on the Leading Lawyers Network and to see biographical profiles of each Cozen O’Connor Leading Lawyer, visit www.leadinglawyers.com

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