From Reed Smith to Pierce Bainbridge, White-Collar Practices Got Publicity Boost From Mueller Probe

Friday, March 22, 2019

In an article titled From Reed Smith to Pierce Bainbridge, White-Collar Practices Got Publicity Boost From Mueller Probe, Barry Boss, co-chair of the firm’s White Collar Defense & Investigations practice, discusses the impact special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and past high-profile special counsel probes have had on the business climate for the white collar bar. The article highlights a number of attorneys involved in the Mueller probe and explains how their respective roles in the matter could shape the rest of their careers. “During most of these events — you look at Watergate, Monica Lewinsky — you can’t tell in the course of the special counsel investigation what the impact is going to be,” Barry said. “I think the book is still to be written about how this is going to impact the white-collar world.”

To read the full article, click here.

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